Self-Care Tips For Teens

We get it, you’re in the time of your life where sleep seems for the week and there’s a lot going on that you don’t want to miss.Your tweens and teens are imperative for social growth, getting to know yourself, and of course, for fun, but there’s one other thing you need to consider, it’s the time where building healthy habits matters. If you don’t cultivate routines while you’re young, it becomes that much harder to hold yourself accountable as you grow older.
The following are a few habits that you should implement gently into your routine:
- Exercising
- Journaling
- Eating a balanced diet
- Task management
- Stretching
- Budgeting
- Setting boundaries
- Maintaining a regular sleep schedule
Self-Care for Teens
It’s no surprise that today’s teens are growing up to be more anxious, stressed, depressed, socially starved, and generally lonely than generations prior. People often point to technology and social media, but according to Psychology Today, the things plaguing the up and coming generation include climate change, economic uncertainty, job uncertainty, self image, self esteem, academic pressures, imposter syndrome, mental health, and feeling the need to have a well-rounded yet balanced resume filled with activities, experiences, and achievements.
That’s why self-care for teens is more important than ever; it’s a different world they’re growing up in.
Practice making time.
Scheduling may seem boring, but it’s a really vital skill that few have mastered as adults. There are only so many hours in a day, week, month, and year, so learning what to prioritize and what can wait is essential for when you’re on your own. Making time for some of the other self-care tips, or just making time for yourself and what you like to do already, can greatly improve your mental health going forward, even if it’s just in 15 to 20 minute increments. Time management is definitely up there in terms of important self care tips for teens.
Log off, everyday.
It’s really easy to just plug your phone in at night and call it good, but have you ever tried shutting it completely down? Sure, it’s probably your alarm, so that might not be logical. However, turning on Do Not Disturb, muting notifications, closing your apps, and allowing yourself some tech-free downtime (stay away from that blue light at night!) will typically yield longer and better quality sleep. And, it’s an easy sleep tip for teens to start ASAP.
Think before you eat.
Now, we don’t want to promote unhealthy eating habits at all, so when we say think before you eat, we just mean, think about what you’re putting in your body and when. If you eat without thinking, you may just grab whatever is fast, drive thru, prepackaged junk food, candy, chips, soda, slushies, cookies, you know what we mean. If you give yourself time to really get hungry and hone in on your intuitive eating skills, you’ll likely end up with more well-rounded meals. Nutrition and balance is everything, so when you get an impulse to snack, take a minute to think, to sit down and plan a meal.
There are also certain foods to avoid in the evenings if you’re wanting to fix that sleep schedule. Sodas, coffees, as well as heavy, greasy, junky foods should be avoided so that you can wind down naturally into a good night’s rest. As you already know, rest is important, so you should consider heeding any and all sleep tips for teens so you don’t feel worn out on the reg.
Don’t discount fresh air.
You hear it all the time, but you should get outside, soak in the rays, and get that fresh air. At the very least, you should get in a routine of exercise, whether that be something fun like a regular workout class or something more standard like riding a bike, going for a jog, or simply going to the gym (though there, you won’t get that fresh air). While you’re young and spry, you have the energy to figure out how you like to get fit, and trust us, when you’re older, it’s hard enough to get to the gym let alone get in a good workout that doesn’t feel like death.
Crack open a window, take the long way to your car or next class, eat lunch outside, take the stairs, wind down while walking around the block, be the neighbourhood go-to dog walker, you name it. As long as you’re elevating that heart rate, you’re that much more ahead of the game.
Sleep is crucial as you grow physically and mentally.

Wouldn’t you know it, all of these end up being sleep tips for teens in one way or another. Everything circles back to overall health and wellness when it comes to self-care for teens. If you’re caring for yourself, your mental and physical health will improve. But, that doesn’t mean there aren’t things that can help kickstart the self-care journey just a little bit!
That’s where RE.VITYL comes in. We crafted products to help you improve your quality of sleep. It won’t happen overnight, but our RE.LEASE sleep kit is the dream team of self-care. Whether you’re tired of getting restless nights, or you’re shopping for someone sleep deprived, we’ve got something for everyone who wants a few extra zzz’s.
Stop hitting snooze on what RE.VITYL has to offer so you can settle in for sound sleep ASAP.