How to Treat Insomnia Naturally, Without Medication

Sleep is a critical function of everyday life. You can fast from food and water for days, detoxing your body and resetting gut health, but going without sleep for 24 hours – let alone 48 – is detrimental to one’s physical and psychological health, and it can seriously affect home, work, and all other aspects of life.
Bad news first: several people find ways to put up with insomnia rather than treating it. When treated, though, people typically seek out medication as a means to an end, and in extreme cases, it may be necessary. Here’s the good news: if we simply take the time to recognize and address our daily patterns that lead to sleeplessness, we can better mitigate and erase these poor habits, leading to more restful nights. Below, we’ve listed out some of our favorite ways and natural sleep aids for insomnia in hopes of helping you treat those sleepless nights.
Yes, believe it or not, exercise and movement can promote relaxation and sleep. First of all, there are many forms of relaxing exercise, such as yoga and foam rolling. Life is fast-paced with its checklists, projects, and assignments. Naturally, tension creeps into our bodies. Relieving that tension through elongations, muscle massage, and regular exercise is key to letting things go. Second, when it comes to more vigorous exercise, the healthier our bodies are, the more they will rely on sleep, thereby promoting a better quality of sleep. You should exercise no later than 2 p.m., however, allowing the endorphins to make their way through the body well before bedtime.
Set the Tone
We recently published an article about the importance of sleep hygiene and touched on “setting the tone” before bed, as a part of insomnia treatment at home. To expand on this, we urge you to move away from bright lights and blaring sounds – yes, you know we’re talking about smart devices and televisions. Simply turn them off. Even the lights in your house can create a harsh tone for relaxation, so adding some dimmer switches or buying a Himalayan salt lamp for a calmer atmosphere can set the tone perfectly.
If you can’t avoid screen time and lights in the evening, try using night/dark mode to turn off the harsh blue wavelengths that artificial light emanates. Also, consider investing in a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses. Available in both prescription and non-prescription forms, this is another great insomnia treatment at home.
Create a Sleep Routine
Another natural sleep aid for insomnia? Create a sleep routine. We have routines for everything in life. What do you do when you’re getting ready for your day? What do you do to get in the proper mindset for work? What routines do you implement when going to the gym? We are creatures of habit. Yet, how often do we practice a specific routine and ritual designed for sleep? Giving our bodies and minds certain relaxation cues is a great insomnia treatment at home. You can create a simple, relaxing routine by setting the tone, meditating, reading, sipping tea, etc.
Melatonin, Chamomile, and Lavender
Now, if you go the tea route, stay away from caffeine and any sort of stimulant variant. There are plenty of sleeping teas available to choose from, but you should focus on those containing melatonin, chamomile, and lavender. (We’re partial to lavender essential oil, in particular.) These natural substances have been proven to promote sleep and relaxation. Even if you forego the tea option, you can find these natural sleep aids for insomnia in essential oils, lotions, and bath salts. Soaking in a relaxing bath of Epsom salts, in a dimly lit bathroom, can make all the difference between sleep and restlessness.
No matter how true you stay to your sleep routine and regular exercise, insomnia can overpower your efforts. That’s where we come in. At RE.VITYL, we specialize in crystals for insomnia, promoting relaxation and tranquility. From our sleep masks with crystal-infused inserts to our lavender-infused RE.LEASE rollerball scent therapy and essential oils, we keep quality sleep and relaxation at the forefront of our mission. Our sleep treasures make the perfect addition to your sleep routine, as you continue your search to find natural sleep aids for insomnia. We hope your search ends here.
Sweet dreams.