6 Sleep Hygiene Tips

Sleep quality is everything. A good night’s rest is not only something you cherish at the end of a long day, but it’s what fuels the day ahead. Without proper sleep, you may feel entirely out of sorts – both physically and mentally. Yes, a lack of quality sleep can affect both your physical and mental health, and that’s why we continue to stress the importance of healthy sleep habits.
Getting proper sleep is easier said than done, however. We can all agree that cuddling up in bed gets us through the day sometimes, right? (Wish we could tell our younger selves that naptime was a blessing, not a curse.) Yet, certain things can prevent a quality night’s sleep. Whether you have a mild-to-severe form of insomnia, take one too many naps during the day, or simply can’t stop your late-night scrolling, we have six sleep hygiene tips that will knock you out faster than you can count ten sheep.
What Is Sleep Hygiene?
First, let’s cover our bases. Sleep hygiene simply means healthy sleep habits that can promote good sleep. Here are our six favorite sleep hygiene tips:
1. Go to Bed at a Consistent Time
This is one of the easiest ways to improve sleep quality. Choosing a consistent time for lights out forces you into a routine and establishes your internal clock. If you choose consistent times (both at night and in the morning), you will likely fall asleep and wake up at the same time +/- 20 minutes every day of the week.
Plus, it will only get easier the longer you stick to it. Over time, it won’t even be a choice. Those are the times your body will be used to, and you must listen to your body when it comes to sleep.
2. Set the Tone
A dark, quiet atmosphere will improve sleep quality far more than bright lights and maxed out volume on the TV. When it’s time for bed, set the tone. This means putting the phone away and hiding the remote control at least a half-hour before your designated “bedtime.” Relax your mind by doing some light journaling, reading, or meditating in your dimly lit bedroom. Come bedtime, you will feel relaxed and the room will be dark enough for you to drift into a deep sleep.
We know electronics and bright lights are tempting, especially at the one hour where you have some free time! Don’t stress; your phone will be right where you left it tomorrow. Prioritize your sleep.
3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol Before Bed
And when we say before bed, we mean several hours before bed, if possible. Let’s start with caffeine. Because the energizing effects of caffeine can last for hours after consumption, it can disrupt sleep and even prevent you from initially falling asleep. If you’re a caffeine drinker, we recommend getting your last sips of coffee or tea in before noon. Just like your phone, your favorite beverage will be waiting for you the next morning.
We also advise against alcohol before bed due to its link to insomnia. Alcohol harms Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. Since REM sleep is the deepest cycle of sleep, drinking alcohol before bed could potentially lead to waking up in the middle of the night and having a difficult time falling back asleep. For this reason, late-night drinks are a big no-no. It can be a tough, healthy sleep habit to adopt, but we promise it’s worth it.
4. Say Goodbye to Naps
Naps: the bane of a good night’s rest. We’ve been taught to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night, right? Stick to that amount. You don’t need more hours. If anything, less is more. When we go over our sleep allotment within 24 hours, it reduces the amount of sleep we’ll need the next night, which will throw your whole sleep schedule off for the week. It can even lead to insomnia or sleep deprivation.
So, no matter how much you want that daytime nap, hold out for your designated bedtime. This will improve sleep quality and feel 10x more rewarding than waking up from a nap at 5:00 pm to feel groggy the rest of your evening.
5. Get Your Exercise in
Regular exercise promotes high-quality sleep. Think about it; rigorous exercise makes you tired. This is good – if you knock your sweat sesh out earlier in the day, that is. Aim to get your workout in before 2:00 pm. If you exercise too close to bedtime, your body’s endorphins may prevent you from falling asleep.
6. Choose All-Natural Sleep Aids
Last but certainly not least, take advantage of natural sleep aids. Even if you follow our previous sleep hygiene tips, sometimes you need an extra push to fall asleep, and we’re partial to all-natural sleep aids. This could be in the form of:
These sleep aids are not only soothing and relaxing after a long day, but they work to improve sleep quality and maximize rest.
Practice Healthy Sleep Habits with RE.VITYL
At RE.VITYL, we believe in the calming powers of Biocrystal® – a mixture of 16 scientifically-backed crystals. Our RE.VITYL, RE.LEASE, and RE.LAX products are all infused with elemental energy by Biocrystal®, which promotes relaxation, tranquility, and a quicker fall-asleep period.
Whether you adopt one or all six of these sleep hygiene tips, you can improve sleep quality by taking action. Choose a restful night’s sleep, energy renewal, and relaxation.
Choose RE.VITYL.